Monday, December 12, 2011

Reality TV for the Classroom!

Last spring I watched eagles hatch in Decorah, Iowa.  

This fall our second graders watched fruit bats feed in England.  

This fall I watched as 1,000 polar bears migrated to to the Hudson Bay in Canada!  (The polar bears go there to wait for the bay to freeze so they can hunt for seals!)

Live webcams allow you to take your students anywhere in the world - virtually!  They can spark excitement, awaken curiosity and create an emotional bond between students and subject matter that makes learning personal and meaningful!

WebCam Feeds for Use in the Classroom!

Visual Field Trips 

EarthCam For Kids



Education World 

Friday, December 2, 2011

Get Your Head INTO The Cloud!

Did I save that on my iPad?
Is it still on my iPhone? 
How can I finish a document at home that I started on my work PC? 
I just took a great video of Oscar playing in the park… it’s too big to email!  How can I easily share it with my mom?

Smart Phones, iPads, tablets, laptops… all these devices were supposed to make life less-complicated!  Now that so many of us multiple, digital devises, it has gotten increasingly more confusing to keep track of and share files. 

Introducing…. The Cloud!  

Ta-Daa! OK, I know The Cloud isn’t new.  It is really just the internet.  Without knowing it, we’ve all been using the cloud for years.  Anytime you upload or share a file, picture or video to a website, you have been using the cloud.

Why use The Cloud?  The Cloud is faster and more versatile than emailing yourself copies of pictures and files.  It also usually comes with features that allow you to share files with friends, family, colleagues or the world!  But wait… it gets even better!  The Cloud is web-based, so I don’t have to worry about storage space, computer crashes or out-of-date software!

Check out this video I found on YouTube that explains The Cloud  

There are many cloud storage services (websites and apps) out there.  My favorite is DropBox.  After signing up for an account and downloading a small app/program onto all my devices and computers, I can easily drag files and pictures into a little box.  That box, and everything inside it, is instantly on all my devices!

I can take a picture on my iPhone and when I get home, it is waiting on my computer ready for me to use it in the PowerPoint I’m creating for school!  Quick and easy!

Here are some other Cloud services you might want to try out!
Collaboration Cloud Services - store and share calendars, bookmarks, documents and more!

File storage and Sharing Cloud Services –Store and share files, folders, pictures, videos and documents.

Picture/Video Cloud Services – share and store pictures and video.